Why is that, I hear you ask?
Well, it has been one of the best weeks I have seen for a long time. Monday we had a good long meeting kicked off with the area managers of Nationwide presenting. They were upbeat, vibrant and energetic in their delivery. They talked of their ambition and of how they see signs of positivity returning to the market. And for that reason, they have entered the large loans market again with lending now available up to £2 million. This is a very positive step. Nationwide were notoriously one of the "conservative" lenders of the past, but they are growing more ambitious and their views (and their rates) suggest that they too, see positive times on the horizon.
This presentation was followed by another lender, one of the best kept secrets in the industry, a lender called Clydesdale. Clydesdale, for me, have always been a fantastic lender. They must have the right type of client but if you provide that, then they will benefit from some great buy to let products and a fantastic residential offset rate. They too, are feeling ambitious and their lending targets are considerably more than they were last year, mainly due to the fact that they also see the market regaining some confidence.
Following on from Nationwide and Clydesdale, I had the pleasure (that's right, you heard... the pleasure!!!) of dealing with Abbey For Intermediaries three times last week. Two applications submitted last Wednesday and one on Friday, all of which have gone to mortgage offer today. That is impeccable levels of service, it really is. Rates were great, levels of service magnificent, and I now have three very happy clients. For the right client, fast track underwriting is amazing but it must be the right client. Abbey understand that and are one of the few lenders that will still fast track cases for clients that tick all the right boxes.
This is how the system should work and I applaud them for this. I know we have had our ups and downs Abbey, but let it be known that right now, I am loving your work. So, everyone...please, a round of applause for Abbey For Intermediaries (that includes you at home sitting there not clapping, get those hands together please!)
The fact of the matter is, the levels of service shown by Abbey, the aggression and ambition recently shown by Nationwide and Clydesdale, and the competitiveness shown by some of the pricing by old favourites like Northern Rock and Halifax now, are filling me with confidence that a recovery is on its way. Rumour has it PWC has predicted the base rate will be at 2.5% by the end of 2012, but fear not world! I am seeing competition in the market again. Something I feared would be lost with the merger of C & G and HBOS, but it is still there. Sure we have lost some of the great mortgage names recently, and seeing C & G was a particular downer for me as I loved them, but competition for market share is gaining momentum.
So, here is a message to all estate agents out there that may have been talking of negativity in lending. Things are improving, lending is starting to find its feet again. As competition grows, so does the consumers ability to borrow and with it their ability to buy. This is always the best time of year to market a house for me. Spring brings with it a freshness like no other time of year. Houses look at their best, gardens show their true potential and the general public is full of optimism. I can assure you, for the right client, lenders are out there and want to lend! Like a cheated partner, they still suffer scars from their previous relationships with some clients, but they are starting to develop trust again and us few brokers that are left, are trying to develop that trust even more.
So agents, get out those mailshots, stick that ad in the paper, and get working on those sales calls, because people want to buy, and lenders want to lend, make no bones about it. We have all been stuck in this depression for too long... but I truly am seeing the signs of a recover. Get your cameras out, re shoot those dreary houses that have been stuck on the market since November when you photographed them in the rain/snow. Buyers, don't let the negative press stop you from speaking to brokers, banks or buildings societies.
So, join with me and write it on your hand...
...you must believe too.
Let me hear you all say it....
I BELIEVE... in an economic recovery.
Phew, all this optimism is a making me thirsty. Frappaccino time.
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